The Rotation pane contains multiple elements for creating cines or movies.
The sliders allow well-controlled rotations of the scene.
A cine is configured by the following properties:
The cine can then be started with one of the play buttons, eg . Note that the rotation axis may be changed while the cine is playing, and scene manipulations by the mouse are still active.
Creating Movies
To record a cine as a movie first configure the cine loop appropriately and test it. Then enable the movie button and start. A dialog appears
which allows defining the movie format (QuickTime, Animated GIF or DICOM), quality settings and the destination path.
After confirming with Start, the scene is stepped through the angles until the defined number of Rotations are covered, creating a jpeg file at each angle. Finally, the jpeg images are compiled into the movie, and the jpeg files (optionally) deleted.