The model for calculating the MBF parametric maps was derived from the parametric mapping method developed by Harms et al [48] for water scans. The operational equation for cardiac PET includes two geometric spillover fractions (Vlv, Vrv) from left ventricular and right ventricular blood (Clv, Crv):
The tracer concentration in myocardium Cmyo(t) is modeled by a one-tissue compartment model and can be obtained by the convolution of the metabolite-corrected input curve with a decaying exponential, multiplied by K1:
For the ammonia tracer K1 corresponds to mycocardial blood flow (MBF), and k2 to the tissue washout. The linear metabolite correction with slope -mCorr which is applied in this equation was derived by de Grado et al [30] and is only valid for scan durations up to 4 minutes.
The solution of the operational equation uses basis functions of the form
With the basis functions, the operational equation can be reformulated as a multi-linear equation
The data analysis methodology then consists of the following two steps: