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Error reporting

Internal errors typically leave messages of the form
at pmclass.applications.pmgateway.PMgatewayDefaults.getConvertionSettings(
at pmclass.applications.pmgateway.PMgatewayFrame.convert(
in the command window or the log file.

To allow PMOD Technologies tracking the problem please report the error using the in-built reporting mechanism as described in the problem reporting section. If this is not possible due to a firewall problem please log into the support section on the website and fill the error message together with a description into the problem report form.

License Errors

Some of the most likely license errors are:

3D Rendering Problems

The 3D rendering solution of PMOD may fail on some older MacOSX systems. Please try solving the problem as follows:

  1. Java is already installed on Machine:
  1. Java is not yet installed on Machine

R Plotting Problems

If plots are not shown or very slowly, an update of X11 is required. Please install XQuartz from