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The SETTINGS tab houses the different settings of the currently selected user account. Their configuration panes are accessible by the sub-tabs. Since the majority of the functionality is self-explanatory, only the most important entries are briefly described below.


Configuration of the PMOD report pages. A Logo can be specified (a GIF file located in the system/logo sub-directory) as well as the institution address in the Clinic Name section. The address can be set to Bold and to use Fixed Space by checking the corresponding boxes. Please use the Update Preview button to inspect the configured layout in the Header Preview section.

The Image quality selection determines the resolution of the created jpeg pages and should normally be set to HIGH to achieve a satisfactory image and text quality. The Header date format allows choosing between year first/last variants.


Database usage profile. See PMOD User-specific Database Configuration.

FTP nodes

FTP nodes usage profile. See PMOD @ FTP Nodes.


Allows changing the location of the dialog buttons, the font size, whether tooltips should be shown, and whether the ToolBox should be collapsed automatically after login.


Config STAT interface

One of the VOI statistics results is the average of the highest pixel values. The Hottest Pixel Analysis Number of Pixels specifies the default how many pixels are included in this analysis.

The SUV calculation requires information about the time the PET scan was started. This information may be encoded in different DICOM fields, depending on the manufacturer. The SUV Scan Date/Time allows establishing a convenient default for the user's environment.

The PMOD R console provides statistical analysis via the R package. In order to obtain the best results it is recommended to switch on the Enhance output format (..) and Enhanced aggregation format (for R). Otherwise the information available in R will be limited.

The R Statistics Console is configured by default and should be adjusted. If the user doesn't want to use this functionality, it should be disabled.