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Sprague-Dawley Rat Brain Atlas (Schiffer)

For the analysis of rat brain data the Px Rat (W.Schiffer) [1] VOI atlas is available. We would like to thank Wynne Schiffer for providing the data and helping with the integrations. The atlas incorporates adult male Sprague-Dawley rats (250-300g, age 52-62 days). This template implements the Paxinos coordinates.

Spatial Normalization

Three normalization templates are available in the fusion tool as menu entries in Fusion/File/Load User Template:

The images of these templates can be found in the resources/templates/usertemplates directory.

VOI Atlas

The VOI atlas Px Rat (W.Schiffer) can be selected in the list of included VOI atlases. The corresponding files can be found in the resources/templates/voitemplates/Px Rat (W.Schiffer) directory.


[1] Schiffer WK, Mirrione MM, Biegon A, Alexoff DL, Patel V, Dewey SL. Serial microPET measures of the metabolic reaction to a microdialysis probe implant. J Neurosci Methods. 2006;155(2):272-84. DOI