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AlwaysUp Configuration

Install AlwaysUp, then perform the configuration described below for each server script. Eventually, the scripts will not be used any more. All processes will be run via AlwaysUp.

PMOD Server Script

As an example, the following PMOD ATL Audit Log & License Server script is considered.
cd C:\Pmod3.7\
.\java\jre\bin\java -version
.\java\jre\bin\java –Xmx5G -jar pmtsvr.jar 5201 JAVA_DB org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver jdbc:derby:C:/Pmod3.7/data/DATABASES/Audit C:/Pmod3.7/data/DATABASES/Audit/data/

Service Configuration in AlwaysUp

The AlwaysUp configuration corresponding to the script above is illustrated below by screen captures. The main elements are:
Application: C:\Pmod3.7\java\jre\bin\javaw.exe
Arguments: -Xrs -Xmx5G -jar pmtsvr.jar 5201 JAVA_DB org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver jdbc:derby:C:/Pmod3.7/data/DATABASES/Audit C:/Pmod3.7/data/DATABASES/Audit/data/
Start in directory: C:\Pmod3.7\
Note that javaw.exe instead of java.exe is used, and the –Xrs arguments have to be added.

The other options are documented by the screen captures.

Configuration Screenshots

After closing, the added service should be available and ready to start.

Automatic emails should be configured only for most important servers (like Audit Log, License Server, main production server) to avoid multiple emails after each Windows Server reboot.